Boasting of a 16-year history as the premier membership-driven grain trade support organization in Eastern Africa, EAGC has developed the requisite reputation and partnerships that uniquely positions it to ably serve market actors across the various grain value chains.
In her quest to achieve the objective of facilitating efficient, structured, inclusive, and profitable grain trade in Eastern Africa, EAGC has since its inception developed and has been implementing various programs with the support of various partners, both from the public and the private sector at national, regional and international levels…
EAGC ensures availability of adequate grain volumes in the market through producers’ Village Aggregation Centers (VACs), recently transformed to Grain Business Hubs (G-Hubs), that aggregate in bulk, store in certified warehouses, and eventually channel to buyers (traders and processors) linked through EAGC’s trade platform – the G- Soko system.
Knowing where to find customers, what and when to sell to them, and at what price, is at the centre of discussion for farmer groups, traders and corporates alike. The Council provides real time grain market prices, cross border trade volumes, food stocks and climate information for the grain sector through its Market Information Systems (Regional Agricultural Trade Intelligence Network-RATIN).
We place strong emphasis on continuous evidence-based policy dialogue on behalf of the grain sector in pursuit of constant improvements to the business environment, by pursuing policy reforms through the Agricultural Trade Advisory Forum for Eastern and Southern Africa (ATPAF-ESA).
EAGC through its training and capacity building division – the Grain Business Institute (GBI). GBI provides specialized training, research, consultancy and capacity building services to the grain sector stakeholders to impart knowledge and skills that support innovations for improved efficiency and reduced transactional costs in the grain industry.
Mbaazi Avenue, Off King’ara Road
P.O Box 218-00606, NAIROBI
Cell: +254733444035 /710607313
Copyright © 2025 Eastern Africa Grain Council